

it's your bones that they will find.
@BleydhDu 's horror alt.

フォロー数:31 フォロワー数:1473
# horror

Improved Steax idle animation.
What creatures should I sculpt next? I'd love some ideas for horror models!

10 57

STEAX redesign and finalization

13 57

recalling moments that never happened

8 27

The Flesh Grappler is a creature residing just out of sight by forested highways. The most you'll see is a quick flash of its eyes when passing by. Those who are stranded on the highway are the only ones who see it in full, though they won't live to say what they saw.

4 15

Laughing Wolf is here to make your day better!
... And, to steal your flesh!
Slasher monster design based on my partner's notes!

1 15

PROMPT: The creature sat there in the doorway, the light of the red exit sign gleaming around it like a halo of fire.

13 33

the woods behind our house

1 8