

boruto better

フォロー数:492 フォロワー数:745

Love or hate code you have to admit that he has the best new gen villain design and it’s not even close

10 133

Just read the new boruto chapter and honestly I loved it. I feel like a lot of people are being way too hard on this chapter. This chapter was basically just a big set up for what’s to come. Also, I’ve been loving shikimarus role in boruto. Secondly, Kawaki and boruto are threats

5 71

The new boruto chapter looks good but when I was looking at the leaks idk I felt like something was missing then I realized…… the missing key was CODE. Y’all say code is a trash character and all but he’s the one who brings the entertainment he brings the best out of characters

15 170

My ratings for the big 3 anime/manga

Naruto 10/10
Bleach 9/10
Boruto 10/10

14 217

I love how code isn’t a generic villain, He’s actually losing instead of winning. Most villains come in and Just beat all the hero’s and the hero’s come back and beat the villain. But with code it’s the opposite. and I love that we get to see grow as a villain.

13 141

I swear black clover fans are literally obsessed with boruto, it’s honestly disrespectful to even compare the two. Boruto is leagues better than black clover. Not a single character in black clover that surpasses Jigen in terms of writing. Kawaki gaps the cast.

12 185

Code design is literally so clean

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Show boruto animation when it’s actually at its peak and the animator was in the hospital so he wasn’t able to animate that scene to his full capability

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Fiction has peaked once again

New boruto chapter was a 20/20

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