wee skribblesさんのプロフィール画像

wee skribblesさんのイラストまとめ

Apparently a “threat to National Security”…

フォロー数:566 フォロワー数:4341

What’s filled ye with more rage this year, Turdo: not being able to march doon tae The Green this summer, or seeing yet *another* Branch Office manager being appointed ahead of you?

0 6

"Getting your arse handed to you"

Getting completely, utterly and totally beaten, defeated and crushed at a game or debate. Can be extended through the phrase "... on a plate"

having your arse constantly handed to you should teach you a little humility"

8 24

I hear his dick of a pal has penned a song for Italy anaw...

1 1

Oh aye, I did a wee summary of the reshuffle too...

0 1

Nah, I did this one a month or so ago:

0 1