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I may have missed the strike hour, but that will not stop me from memeing! @cyrilianriis @ImaginationBolt @milkkeycolors @KnightElkwarden @loopylulu258 @darkdreadful97 @RIBUST0L
#ViserLeagueTournament #ViserValentines #TeamOran
You think you can strike me with fantastic art, @Mekesariistaken? Well, I’ll counter you to thank you!
#ViserLeagueTournament #ViserValentines #TeamOran
launching another attack, this time for @ABottleOf_Rum!
#ViserValentines #ViserValentines #TeamOran
One love attack for @thenderachiever coming right up! #ViserLeagueTournament #ViserValentines #TeamOran
Not exactly professional, but there’s nothing wrong with something with more of a homemade touch!
#ViserLeagueTournament #ViserTrick
Astrid, no! Kelpsey’s not a water gun!
(I mean, she knows Hydro Pump, but that’s not the same thing)
#ViserSplash #ViserLeagueTournament
Figured some simple frosted sugar cookies would hit the spot! Here’s hoping our celebrity chef likes them!
#ViserGelato #ViserLeagueTournament
Everyone’s getting styled up, and it looks like that train’s not done quite yet!
#ViserQueenie #ViserLeagueTournament
Fashionably down to the wire, aren’t we?
As a first-time applicant, I’m excited to show off my sona, team, and card for @ViserLeague!
#ViserLeagueCard #ViserLeagueTournament