

MAYC #13169 | PA #9277 + #2590 | AKCB #1259

フォロー数:3204 フォロワー数:2350

LA Lizzy and Dragon connoisseur. I like long walks on the beach and spending time with someone who understands that toilet paper should roll over and not under. 🧻 Any alternative is just uncivil.

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And without further adieu, Doc Rocktopus, and his cousin Ice Cthulhu

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An OG! This was my first CLA also when it was pumping haha

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Welcome aboard the Crazy Train. Some absolute beauties you got there! Love that clean red 🦎

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What a snag Animal! Patience pays. We’re lucky to have you with us. 🦎

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Welcome aboard soldier! We’re glad you decided to enlist. 🦎

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The Dark Sith Lord is summoning all who are worthy to join the Army discord:

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Incredible things on the horizon with Floor is just below mint price!! Get in while the gettin’ is good. Pop over to discord to see what’s in store for THE ARMY:

6 18

Something special brewing for If you’re macro minded, get in while things are affordably percolating.

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