

フォロー数:264 フォロワー数:2793

I dunno, the ones in this last gen are… meh…
But hey… everyone is meh when these guys exist

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Something similar happened with chewtle in gen 8.
Big waste of opportunity to make a badass looking Gamera Pokémon.
Two years ago i made my first ever (and last) fakemon "Dredjaw", wich Is basically adapting the gigamax design to be a second phase Pokémon.

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This is where I draw the line.
All these movies have real effort on the depiction of animals and the environment.
Brother bear is the very very last one, cause yes, it’s still the best depiction of late Cenozoic Alaska/Canada in any Cenozoic related movie.

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Haast’s Eagle concept and base sketch for a future painting.

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