

Looking for inspiration and planning my eventual revenge, while doing all sorts of stuff.

フォロー数:245 フォロワー数:1474

A couple of my characters I'm using/will use for my own little comics and games.
Right now I'm getting my feet wet by doing small stuff with 'em, but I plan to go bigger in the future.
Still learning.

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From now on Amelyn will be this twitter's poster girl, everyone knows twitter likes cute girls but that stuborn mule thought he could succeed with Dimon, you can kiss his ass bye bye

0 1

"It's my turn on the computer"
"Make me"
What started as a silhouette practice, turned into this, no regrets

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My thoughts on current events

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What up?, Nelson here, simple and colorful is my style.
Most of my stuff is pixel art but recently I started going "digital"

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