

Evil Art

Prints: wefail.art

Patreon: patreon.com/wefail

フォロー数:400 フォロワー数:38694

Compulsory art to 18.

43 273

Guess who's coming back for seconds.

50 247

"I can buy 1 kg of oatmeal from Tesco for 70 pence. It will make 20 meals. Why does the Left pretend people in Britain are starving?"

830 8106

Rise, Nadine. It is your turn to shine! 🇬🇧💀🇬🇧

107 621

My dad died just before the Covid pandemic, I spent hours on the phone to mum asking if we should drive down to keep her company but we decided it'd break the rules.😂 Suckers.

70 244

Portrait of Piers Morgan

44 468

"This is fine"

49 316

"The Archbishop of Canterbury does NOT speak for MY Christian beliefs!"

29 318

The Birthday Party

58 271