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 WEEKLY# The 264th Issue – “Roy Wang's summer vlog”
He ate a roadside frozen drink at hot noon, and fishing by the river at night. If there are thousands of summer shadows, he is the most wanton one.

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 WEEKLY# The 260th Issue--Youth in progress

Youth has fire, burning the flame of rock and roll up, hot blood growth wanton;youth has wind, blowing through the green forest to meet the mountain birds in colorful clothes, blowing through the dusk touch sunset.

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# ROY WEEKLY# The 258th issue--- All things express hero, wind forest volcano.
Everything has a spirit, grows at will. A young man, standing with his sword, walked as fast as the wind.

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WEEKLY# The 257th Issue -- World Book Day.
Everyone's life is a kind of practice in a house called "I". Reading is to open the skylight to see stars, and then have a beautiful dream. Reading should not be utilitarian, it should invisibly make us refreshed and open our mind.

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WEEKLY# The 254th Issue -- Advanced Guide Of The Great Ruler
There are not so many things belonging to none but you in the world, but Wang The Great Ruler# only refers to Roy Wang.

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【2020/3/18 Who do you pick in WYBOYS?】#王源周刊# 第252期——王源男团你pick谁?
面对“王源男团”各成员的魅力,谁最打动你的心呢?决战一触即发,请各位观众能够投出宝贵的一票,pick 你心目中的心动成员,助他c位出道。

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【2020/2/26 A tantalizing source of signals 】 有人说这世间动人的声音太多,是温情时的低喃,又或是牵挂时的自语,亦或是欢悦时的笑语。于我而言,这万般都不及你的信号。等到玻璃晴朗,桔子辉煌的时候,我将过往追忆,尔后发现,每一次的心动都源于你。

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【2019/10/02ROY‘ S college life】#王源周刊# 230期——小圆求学记。 海外求学路不易,还请珍重万分,勿念勿念。#wangyuan
完整9p(complete 9p)

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