

Aspiring author and artist.

not dead yet......

フォロー数:459 フォロワー数:113

Drew my oc Guenevieve on my anime art style. I dont know if its good or bad but I had fun nonetheless

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Uhm (°0u0)” heres a wip of my latest work...Gamer artist that lives on 3 brain cells (°0u0)”

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Wip. Done with the line art and the the base coloring. Just need to color it more then render etc etc. probably finish this later and post it by tommorow 030

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Happy birthday !! Here is a collab we did and drew how I would look like instead of my oc haha

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The blue coat that wreaks of blood turned to violet. And everyone was to afraid to go near him except for a little girl who gave him a pinwheel then said "Hey Mister! You're not that scary af all!".

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Wip for now...I hope I finish this by tommorow but here it is.

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$8 half body or above (waist-up/bust-up)

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8$ waist up
12$ whole body 0u0)

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