wei _(´ω`_)⌒)_ @ japan touch haru 2024さんのプロフィール画像

wei _(´ω`_)⌒)_ @ japan touch haru 2024さんのイラストまとめ

she/her, 20⬆️ multifandom and cats🧡 pudding devourer 🍮 ICON by: @piffle0001🌈 HEADER: @honey_buuun✨

please ask before reposting❗❗ and credit (「• ω •)「

フォロー数:561 フォロワー数:533

bonjour 👋😳🧡

here's my entry for (had to go a bit out of my comfort zone, but overall I had a lot of fun!! so thank you for hosting this DTIYS challenge)

maintenant allez voir son contenu (très) qualitatif, sinon conséquences- ヽ༼◉ل͜◉༽ノ🔪

10 38

please get descole in that game please get descole in that game please get descole in that game please get descole in that game please get descole in that game please get descole in that game plea

19 56

also, birthday gifts that have been wandering in my drawing folder for too long 🧡💛
it's hard to remain consistent on social media 💦

(pokes and Anko whom I cannot tag here-)
(please check LasrYuki's page, it's so soft and cute!)

5 17

Imagine, ne pas poster 💦 gênant un peu

Mon sona à gauche, et l'OC de à droite ! petite Lulu nationale 🧡

11 21