

Hey! I'm Weiss (She/her), Looks like sometimes i draw things!
Fanart and original art/mixed media/self taught :)

フォロー数:342 フォロワー数:139

Hello thanks for the thread, I'm Weiss and I do digital/pixel art 😊 I'm trying to improve so any advices are welcome !

2 6

Thanks you so much to support small artists! I'm Weiss and I do digital and pixel art, any advices are welcome 😊

4 8

Hi and thanks for the thread 😊
I'm Weiss and I do digital and pixel art, any advices are welcome!

6 17

Thanks for the thread ! I'm Weiss and I do digital and pixel art, I want to improve so any comments or advices are welcome 😊

7 13

Thanks a lot for the thread! I'm Weiss and I do digital and pixel art :)
Feel free to give any advices you can!

1 3

Hi thanks for the thread, i'm little late to the party but well xD
I'm Weiss and i do digital and pixel art, i'm trying to progress so any advices are welcome :)

0 1

Hi and thanks for the artshare :) I'm Weiss and i do pixel and digital art :)
Any comments or advices are welcome!

0 0

Hi, thanks fort the thread i hope you get better soon :)! My name is Weiss and i do digital and pixel art, any advices are welcome :)

0 0

Hi, thanks for the artshare! I'm Weiss and i do digital/ pixel art, any advices or comments are welcome :)

2 6

Veil - around 5 hours
I'm really struggling to draw faces but i tried to force myself this time xD (also i love lace so much)
Any advices or comments are welcome!

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