

Hey! I'm Weiss (She/her), Looks like sometimes i draw things!
Fanart and original art/mixed media/self taught :)

フォロー数:342 フォロワー数:139

Quick sketch where i try new tools in SAI and experiment with some colors :)

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Little fanart of sans from because i just love this game and used to draw a ton of fanart x)

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I redrew some of my old drawings, i'm pretty happy with the results!
1 image: redraw
3 other images: the first drawings

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Finally some more pixel art :)

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Another digital painting, here's a witch :)

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trying to simple houses, not the best but i need to start somewhere x)

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Hi i'm Weiss, i'm drawing mostly digitally and currently learning pixel art and animation :) I'll tag and i think they're very talented! thanks for this thread :)

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hey, i'm Weiss, i'm a digital artist and learning pixel art :)

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