

Digital artist, motion designer and illustrator. Tired most of the time. D&D is dead, Pathfinder2e is my new best friend.

Find me on instagram @Werserker_Draws

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Art shares are always fun! Not so long ago I did a quick portrait of my newest D&D character to experiment with a couple of things, like not re-doing the clean sketch into lineart, a more painterly style and CSP's timelapse option. I had a great time :D

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Took a break yesterday, but now I’m BACK. This is Lia, a child rogue I created for a one-shot campaign. We played in a JRPG-esque setting, so she’s heavily influenced by that aesthetic.

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I did a series of and for silkscreen print a while back. The theme was "everything that makes me happy".

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So I uploaded a recent drawing of Yafaris and Fae a couple of days ago and it hit me… I never shared their initial designs! So! Here they are! A version from when Fae shrinked for a couple of days is also included xD

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It’s from the game by I drew her back in January for 's birthday :D experimented with a more painterly style for this one and it was super fun! I really love the game’s art nouveau inspired mood, the vibe is just… so good.

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Some close-ups on their faces, because I'm particularly proud of them. Yafaris looks very smooth, whereas Fae's eyebags combined with the ruffles make her look like a vampire xD She's just a stressed half-moonelf tho

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During our last session our DM abruptly teleported us into a completely different region. Our setting switched to a baroque-ish mansion, which gave me a perfect excuse to draw me and my gf’s characters looking all dapper.

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