

Dudebro Actual 🤙 Shoot Guns and Train Everyday | Security Supervisor | GFL2, Nikke, and Blue Archive | Occasionally Plays Anime Fighters | Crypto Bro $SOL…

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Ngl I've been drunk since 1pm and all I gotta say that Corrin is cute asf ngl

7 65

ኃጢአተኛ ነፍስህ ከመዳን በላይ ናት እናም ሰላምን ወይም ሥቃይን አታውቅም ፣ የንስሐ ቅዝቃዜ ብቻ አብቅቷል ፣ ምክንያቱም ኃጢአቶችህ ከማንኛውም ተልእኮ የላቀ ስለሆነ ፣ መጨረሻው ቀርቧል ፣ የኃጢአት መርከቦች

1 5

Made Corrin in a casual outfit

17 103

Good morning!
I'm going to a stacked monthly later today! Kinda nervous but I'm sure I'll have fun! Hoping to at least go even in sets today! Wish me luck fam!

1 42

Person on discord: "I don't really know much about Corrin, but I think she's low tier because nobody plays her"

12 60

Corrin's got a message for those who need it

67 218

Advice on how to play Corrin

6 46

Yeah that's right, I also found a way to make a foot joke too

1 14

Summer Corrin hits different this time of year

172 839

You wake up to find her in your house, wyd?

41 208