

I stream and mod sometimes
Penguin Vtuber
Opinions are my own
CC for @AnimalRoyale
pfp: @Saircii
banner: @Skaters_4_U
Model/Rig mama: @aoi_nipi

フォロー数:662 フォロワー数:1051

Thank you for the birthday art Fluffy, I love it so much!

8 34

May the Allbanan bless you...🍌#superanimalroyale

0 17

Lechonk + Sunnyaan = Lechonknyan

2 21

I was bored and edited my SAR character in Canva in 2 minutes lol.

4 45

Fine I'll put on the shades then...

0 3

Hey guys, I'm playing one of the new starters in that new Pokemon game that's coming out at the end of this year

2 33

I wish you a speedy recovery Groovy, take all the time you need!

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