WhitePadi 🍉さんのプロフィール画像

WhitePadi 🍉さんのイラストまとめ

Nam Padi | Mostly OC | Antis and Homophobic DNF | 20+ | I draw whatever the hell i want, feel free to uf/block. | VGEN COMMS : vgen.co/whitepadi

フォロー数:681 フォロワー数:1539
# oc

Bokapnya Kresna sama Nat dua duanya ga bener ngurus anak https://t.co/5PPDB6vj6i

0 18

Hasil ngabuburitz (I love them).

9 41

Tentu saja aku harus.

10 88


Eyy! I'm opening a commission now for both Local and International, feel free to contact me if you're interested.

For more info: https://t.co/BtYmAWmeJ9

Thank you! (Muah)

57 54

Nat would definitely befriend with anyone fr, he's tipikal bapak2 boomer yg gapaham apa2 tapi berusaha paham, he's bit confused but he got the spirit.

0 3