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フォロー数:118 フォロワー数:24063

Digimon Seekers is a new novel, trailer, and merchandise project; the novel will be released weekly on Digimon Web, and will also be translated in English and Chinese, starting on April 3. The main protagonist is Nagasumi Eiji, a 19-year-old cracker partnered with Loogamon.

149 635

Loogamon has been added to the Digimon Reference Book, bringing the total to 1170!

296 1222

Better quality of the key visual

368 1751

The Digimon Frontier x Digimon Ghost Game visual

355 1335

The winner of the Let's Make It Together! T-shirt Project! is Beelzebumon: Blast Mode!

53 214

Happy birthday to Hirota Kohsei, the voice of Mercurymon in Digimon Savers. 🎂🎉

13 85

Happy birthday to Hosoya Yoshimasa (), the voice of Ishida Yamato in Digimon Adventure tri. and Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, and Tamaki Yūki, who voiced Shiota Hirokazu in Digimon Tamers. 🎂🎉

17 64

Happy birthday to Derek Stephen Prince (), the voice of DemiDevimon, Piedmon, Veemon (+evos), Ken Ichijouji in the Adventure series, Impmon (+evos) in Tamers, Dynasmon, Grumblemon/Gigasmon in Frontier, Jeremy Tsurugi, Zamielmon in Fusion, and more.🎂🎉

35 140

DigiPoll results

🥇Imperialdramon: FM (Black) 16%
🥈Gulus Gammamon 13%
🥉Canoweissmon 12%
4. Ragnamon 9%
5. Plutomon 7%
6. Sistermon Ciel (Awake) 6%
7. Greymon (Blue) X 5%
8. Thetismon 5%
9. Bemmon 4%
10. Lamortmon 4%
11. Sistermon Noir (Awake) 4%
12. Ceresmon 3%

51 217

Happy birthday to Kubota Miyu (), the voice of Shinkai Sara in Digimon ReArise. 🎂🎉

29 95