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フォロー数:128 フォロワー数:25698

Happy birthday to Tom Wyner, the voice of Devimon in Kimeramon & MarineDevimon in as well as being the narrator, Devidramon & Caturamon in and Sepikmon & Volcamon in


8 49

The Digimon Reference Book has added profiles for Sangomon, Tobiumon, Gusokumon, Piranimon, Marin Chimairamon and Regalecusmon, bringing the total to 996!

Profiles will be added to Wikimon shortly.

43 159

...In Cascão also in the 1st story: "Os Heróis do Planeta Gelado" ("The Heroes of the Ice Planet"), Cebolinha tries to provoke Cascão by pretending to be a monster called "Meganeve", Cascão then decides to strike back pretending to be a monster called "Gelomon".

9 37

popular culture reference of the week!

Turma da Mônica (Monica's Gang)
In Cascão in the 1st story: "Sem Limites" ("Without Limits"), Cascão says he wants to win a collection of "Digimão" toys on the reality show...

20 72

June 15 (JST) marks the 14th anniversary of the release of the original in Japan.

62 208

Happy birthday to the late Maeda Ken, who voiced Gottsumon/Insekimon in and Mizushima Takahiro (), the voice of Ropuremon in


11 39

June 14 (JST) marks 3 years since the release of Gatchen!, the second opening theme to in Japan.

38 113

Happy birthday to Takanashi Kengo (), the voice of Shinonome Kaito in the upcoming


13 52

Happy birthday to Aragaki Yui, the voice of Fujieda Yoshino in


45 168

Happy birthday to Canna Nobutoshi (), the voice of Examon in and Numata Yusuke, who voiced Flymon & Tsumemon in Xros Wars, and Perorimon in

19 53