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フォロー数:126 フォロワー数:25708

• Compound kana such as リョ etc can be followed either by themselves or by the normal version of their chiisai kana (ア、イ、ウ、エ、オ、ヤ、ユ and ヨ). For example, Misty (ミスティ) can be followed by either Tyrano (ティラノ), Dinohu (ディノヒュー) or Iguneet (イグニート)...

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...until a word that ends with an "n" (ン) occurs, then it restarts.

• Dakuten (゛) and handakuten (゜) may or may not be ignored. For example, Upa (ウパ) can be followed by either Hanu (ハヌ), Baro (バロ) or Panda (パンダ)...

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Sorry for disturbing you, Moriyama Soh-sensei. I've been very interested in Mephismon X's design, and I was curious what the words on the magic circle say. I noticed "Rident stolidi verba Latina" from the Tristia by Ovid, but I'm not sure what the other words are.

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Stuff regarding Duftmon from its designer, Moriyama Soh (courtesy of )

It doesn't have a Nazi motif, but looks like a European solider from the 1700-1800s. At first, it was a beautiful woman disguised as a man similar to Lady Oscar from The Rose of Versailles.

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Digimon: GrandDracumon
Partner: Alastor (from

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Menoa is a scientist who conducts research on Digimon at New York University, and Kyoutarou is her assistant. They both appear before Taichi after a certain incident occurred nearby him, Agumon, and the other "Chosen Children”.

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...Urawa Megumi, notable for her roles as Hida Iori in and Armadimon from 02 to the upcoming and Aoi Eir (), who performed Accentier, the opening theme for

🎂 🎉

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Happy birthday to Fukumatsu Shinya, the voice of Baromon in Kaida Yuki (), who played Gomamon in Lilithmon in and Kuga Yuuya in (and Decode)...

🎂 🎉

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