

Animates! (Monkey Wrench, SpindleHorse, Fuzzy Princess)…

フォロー数:1273 フォロワー数:13767

Sorry, reuploaded because twitter completely destroyed it with compression artifacts :x Sparkster!

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I doubt Sanke will ever get to read a book at this point.

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Alas it was a mere april fools :( but I couldn't leave this without taking the opportunity to at least do my best dingo laugh impression. If you've not seen any Dingo movies check em on youtube, they are... very unique!

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I just want to announce that I have teamed up with the legendary Dingo pictures to create a brand new animation! screen shot included! stay tuned for the playstation 1 release!

3 21

A drawing I made as part of an art trade with Storybirdartist over on Deviant art! They have some awesome sweet work there you should check out!

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I like to upload at least one thing a day if I can, but had nothing complete to show so I just scribbled this cat looking ugly while sleeping.

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A lil duckybirb oldy doodle I drew a while back, I made a walk cycle of this guy that I streamed but never really finished it. may stick it in Flash to complete it once this Short Short 2 is complete.

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Mixed bag about this doodle, I kinda like it but I kinda don't :D

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heh goes to show how old this guy is now, I made this my DA icon 9 years ago! If I made this now I would probably make the tie swing a little less though as it moves too close with the arms.

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Rubberhosen hosen, please excuse the scribbly painted chimneys in the background!

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