Will Shaw 🍁さんのプロフィール画像

Will Shaw 🍁さんのイラストまとめ

Ludicrous Care Bear.

The Black Archive #42: The Rings of Akhaten available now from @obversebooks


フォロー数:815 フォロワー数:749

Doctor Who: Arena Of Fear

An improvement, but still pretty mid. Feels like a line coasting on the most marketable Doctor.

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Doctor Who: Weapons Of Past Destruction

A groaning, self-indulgent epic. Feels weird that the first vision of Dr Who I ever encountered is now old enough for nostalgia pieces.

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Doctor Who: Sonic Boom

This is a bit more like it. A historical epic with a nice dash of brio, followed by a charming meta romp. Year Two ends on a grace note.

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Doctor Who: The School of Death

Surprisingly decent. Feels like a title finding its feet; Stott’s art is fabulous, Morrison finally has a good handle on the characters’ voices, and there’s some charming meta humour. Enjoyed.

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FIYAH Magazine, Issue 22

A mixed issue, this. Couple of great pieces but a lot of mediocrity. My favourites were ‘A Brief and Hideous Scrawl’ and ‘The Deathing Room’.

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Doctor Who: The One

Still terribly fun, if fanwanky. Manages an actually decent spin on the time war, which is a plus.

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Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor

Not bad, not great. No other Dr Who launch issue has yet matched the quality of The Eleventh Doctor

And yeah, working through some Dr Who comics from an old Humble Bundle. Expect a few more of these.

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Apex Magazine, Issue 125

An OK issue; lots of adequate stories, but little that was transcendent, other than ‘The Rat’ by Yohanca Delgado, which was fabulous.

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Fiyah Magazine, Issue 19

A very fun issue; a thoroughly decent set of stories and poems, and one middling essay. My favourites were 'To Rest And To Create,' 'Morning,' and 'Where The Sky Becomes Milk.'

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