


フォロー数:315 フォロワー数:275

I have these 4 screenshots too

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To put more words on it, a lot of 6-7/10 episodes. A few 8-9/10 episodes and a decent amount of 5/10 episodes. I'm relatively happy with the season, but it's still weaker than the first, especially in terms of the story, but it's not something I value that highly in Dragon Maid

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Finished Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S!

This is the first anime I've ever watched weekly, and I always looked forward to it every week! I was dissapointed a few times but for the most part they were great. Higher highs and lower lows compared to season 1!


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Don't think I've ever talked about video games on here.. what's your guys' favorite game?

mine is Hollow Knight

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My 2nd favorite anime duo, trio, quartet and quintet :p

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My favorite anime duo, trio, quartet and quintet

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look what I'm downloading

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FINALLY ITS COMING TO NETFLIX I'VE BEEN HOLDING BACK FOR half a year trying to make myself not pirate it and finally finally finally I get to watch this my most anticipated anime ever

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