Color of Warさんのプロフィール画像

Color of Warさんのイラストまとめ

Just a laidback hobby artist. Mostly draw Splatoon and Shadow of War crossovers. “You und wot glee club!?”

フォロー数:19 フォロワー数:8

Two years has passed since the closing of Miiverse. To this day I still feel very grateful for this app for encouraging me to start doing digital drawing and try interacting with other people and making a friend there.

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Let me guess.

Pagan Min from Far Cry 4?

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I am a rather laidback hobby artist, but I do make quite an effort detailing my artworks. Mostly do crossover drawings with Splatoon and Middle-Earth: Shadow of War (Maybe planning to do crossover of Splatoon with other games).

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It’s been a year now since I started doing digital drawing, and I have made a lot of finished and unfinished artworks. Here are a few big artworks I did post on other media. (I did post two of these earlier on Twitter, but only briefly before deleting them for some unfit reason.)

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A splendid birthday drawing for me made by who I express great gratitude to none other than, .

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I’d figured I would like to introduce my followers from Shadow of War and dear Nûha as well.

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Color of War: Nemesis - Grimm the Relentless Terror /

The Unremembered Accursed

“I was feared around the city as the malison of Inkopolis. Living with this curse, any opponents who I faced were left with a cold, ghastly fate.” —Grimm the Relentless Terror

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