

25. Raindrops keep falling on my head

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Things I would like to see in a Spider-Man film:

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Discovered there’s a play about Steve Ditko being made that’s going to be performed this October in New York.
Can’t imagine Ditko would’ve liked it one bit, so I’m not sure how I feel about it. Certainly looks interesting.

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From his Facebook, sadly not too high resolution

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Steve Ditko in his New York studio in the 1970s. Coming up to a year since he passed away. Still wonder about him a lot.

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Finished 2nd year of uni and have nothing to do, so I’m rewatching Breaking Bad. Best TV show ever? I think so. Instantly hooked again.

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No Spoilers!
The more I think about the more I appreciate it. It’s a miracle that the film works and everyone involved deserves so much praise.
I think what ultimately ruined the film for me was the predictability, most of the time I knew where the story was going.

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Me on set of a short film I acted in recently, under the direction of

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I’m not a big romance fan, but ‘Before Sunrise’ is a lovely film. Always been curious about it and it’s sequels. Such a simple little movie, but you really get invested in the relationship between the 2 leads.

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I don’t think I can really describe how much blew me away.

Throughout the 3rd act, I kept leaning closer and closer towards the screen, absolutely hooked. By the end of the film I was standing up, watching in compete awestruck.

M. Night Shyamalan you genius!

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