

This account is dedicated to the game I'm working on, Willpower! My main account is @JcJack777, game logo by @scootdotexe

フォロー数:8 フォロワー数:135

Working on proper map layouts for the first time, feeling good about how things are going so far!

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Finally, how can I support Willpower? (1/2)
Willpower's still got a while to cook in the oven and I don't feel comfortable opening a kickstarter page or etc before at least a quarter of the game is completed so monetary donations will not be accepted at this time.

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Now for a more interesting question, what is the gam's tone?
Willpower will be a game with very emotional moments and will know when to take itself seriously, but also isn't afraid to be more light-hearted! Darker themes will also be touched as well. I'd estimate a teen rating.

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What is the gameplay like? (1/2)
Willpower is a more traditional RPG in the sense of traversing a topdown overworld with turn based battles. In fights you'll be able to fight your way through enemies with your basic, elemental, and technical attacks with different attack inputs.

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