

Hay que respetar al que aún lee.
Por eso hay que escribir bien.

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Thank you to all my wonderful ----friends 🌹 and followers,---
For all your RTs and favourites!

23 74

Things do not happen.
Things are made to happen.
- John F Kennedy

29 80

Focusing on your blessings during challenging times will help with anxiety and sadness.

7 17

Decide what you want ...
believe you can have it,
believe you deserve it,
believe it's possible for you.

51 149

Happy Sunday, gifts of summer!

33 105

Gute Nacht Zwitscherei🌜

12 48

🔹🔹🔹Good morning🔹🔹🔹
I wish you a good morning for any dear beloved friends. The new day to make dreams come true.🌹

56 157

Sometimes traveling solo means getting to know the real you.

41 114

Beautiful flowers for all...

47 173

A beautiful face will age and a perfect body will change. But a beautiful soul will always be a beautiful soul...

63 180