💖 Joseph & The Seasons 💖さんのプロフィール画像

💖 Joseph & The Seasons 💖さんのイラストまとめ

🔞 Please no Minors 🔞
| FFXIV RPer/Gposer
| Cisgender Male irl 💖
| Status: Single
Bluski = WinterCapone

フォロー数:4674 フォロワー数:3071

What vibes does each season give off :p
Bandwagons can be fun sometimes!

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Made a picrew.
Best I can do to make it look like me.
Need to add like, maybe twenty pounds to it, and if I was clean shaven.

I have transition lenses in my glasses, and a tiny cleft chin.
Always preferred dark clothing. My hair is black, I have brown eyes.
Always, always tired.

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Saw @ DSykur make a drink so imma make my OCs!

First up, Winter's Void Touch.
Secondly is Summer's Heat Quencher.
Third is Spring's Sparkling Sweet.
And lastly is Autumn's Cozy Breeze.

My reply below is my own personal drink and a link to make your own! Show me yours!

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Oh forgot, New Shift!
Neeeeew Question!

Meow, meow meow?
Meow meow meooow meow!

Jk lol

If your OC had a favorite candy from our world, what candy would it be?

(And some random pic of a Gamergirl Winter, Spring, and my dream gf)

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Feels like I won't have power at home until maybe Friday.

So, joining a bandwagon, keep my spirits up 💖

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