

🇬🇧 Fan of: Classic Who(1963-89, 96), Judge Dredd, Tolkien's Legendarium, Arthurian Legend. Occasionally makes composites
Incorrigible grump extraordinaire

フォロー数:144 フォロワー数:148

"My armour is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail is a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!"

3 13

"Fingolfin vs Morgoth, the First Dark Lord" John Howe
"The Witch King of Angmar" ^
"Glorfindel battles with a Balrog" Alan Lee
"Sam defeats Shelob" Ted Nasmith

9 53

I've assembled something of a varied reading list on King Arthur. I'll leave it here for those interested
The History of the Kings of Britain-Geoffrey of Monmouth
Arthurian Romances(Erec & Enide, Cliges, Yvain, Knight of the Lion , Lancelot, Knight of the Cart & Percival,

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Eastern Dragons🧐🧐

1 4

Six-Limbed/Western Dragons 🧐

1 7

Books of Blood(1984-1985)
Collection 1, Volumes 1-3

A fantastic set of short stories by Hellraiser/The Hellbound Heart creator Clive Barker. The first half of the Books of Blood are a great collection of horror tales, ranging from black comedy to gothic horror. The framing

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Same XD

RahXephon is a Mecha anime in the same vein as Neon Genesis Evangelion, though not nearly as heavily psychological. It blends elements of romance into the mix. Animation & music were defintely the things I liked most & the stories pretty intriguing too.

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