Degenerate and Depressed Girlさんのプロフィール画像

Degenerate and Depressed Girlさんのイラストまとめ

✨Kiki is my name. Yes like the movie. Yes I also happen to be a witch. ✨
🎨: #KikichuDraws

フォロー数:1313 フォロワー数:2356 You can read the old version of it here, but soon it will be changed up~!

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I am a Vtuber. But! I also do Webtoons! It's been a small secret kept, but I have a Webtoon I have been doing for years known as "Lawless" Today, I just announced I am proudly doing a Reboot in the coming Future!!

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I'm hungies gimme your thighs plz

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Gosh i freaking love your animations i want them all!

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I do Ref sheets: ✅
All types of art: ✅
Emotes: ✅
Designing characters: ✅

If you're interested, go to my Google forms and fill out a request~♡


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