Things I Love About WoWさんのプロフィール画像

Things I Love About WoWさんのイラストまとめ

Your semi-daily reminder of things to love about World of Warcraft ✨

フォロー数:49 フォロワー数:4529

Day of things I love about WoW:

When skyboxes change to reflect events that have happened in the story. I think it's a really cool touch that makes the world feel a lot more alive. (Plus, WoW's skyboxes have been ~ so ~ pretty the past few expansions).

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Day of things I love about WoW:

Jaina's cinematic arc in BfA. Her journey and struggle to accept herself in spite of her faults was incredibly heartfelt and impactful - I honestly can't go through it without crying. Jaina's arc was SO good and I'll never shut up about it.

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Day of things I love about WoW:

When we get to visit alternate versions of familiar places. I like speculating about "what if's" and different possibilities, so it's fun when the story actually takes us through some of those.

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Day of things I love about WoW:

Revendreth. I fell in love with it mostly because it's one massive city, but there's no denying that the zone is just downright gorgeous. Between the lighting effects and vampiric vibe, Revendreth may honestly be my favorite Shadowlands zone.

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Day of things I love about WoW:

How much the sense of physical scale has gone up in recent expansions. The world feels so much grander and intimidating than before - from cities the size of zones to swords and monsters far larger than anything else we've seen on Azeroth.

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Day of things I love about WoW:

When NPCs react to players' artifact weapons. I love stumbling across these kind of interactions/easter eggs in the world, especially when they make for cool little lore tidbits.

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Day of things I love about WoW:

The wild and wacky environment design in Return to Karazhan. So much about it is insanely fun and creative - walking on the ceiling? Getting shrunk down to the size of a rat? Making your way across a disintegrating chess board? Yes please.

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Day of things I love about WoW:

The animated shorts. The style, the story, and the art in each and every single one of these (from the Burdens of Shaohao to Warbringers and the Shadowlands Afterlives) has made them one of my most favorite things to ever come out of WoW.

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Day of things I love about WoW:

How often Arthas shows up in the WotLK questing experience. There was no mistake that we were in his territory, he knew what we were doing, and he could kill us anywhere we turned. It was daunting and built him up as the final boss SO well.

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Day of things I love about WoW:

Scourge plague lore. The Third War encompasses some of the most gritty, dark, and terrifying stories WoW has to tell. They're my favorite because they're so unlike the commonplace heroics you see in-game and often have bleak, tragic endings.

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