Marie The Hedgecatさんのプロフィール画像

Marie The Hedgecatさんのイラストまとめ

A genetic creation of the dna between Shadow The Hedgehog and Blaze The Cat can use both Pyrokinesis and Chaos Energy

フォロー数:567 フォロワー数:314

Lucy:Huh kinda cute for a plant girl

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Oh my God I lover this Haru picture because it's a reference to the Shining I can just hear it Haru just saying "Here's HARU" oh my God I'm now laughing my ass off now

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Sam:Oh hi Aruna didn't know you were in here my bad I-I'll just go train somewhere else

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Sam:Wow uhh you look beautiful Aruna *The Universe 2 Saiyan's face is bright red*

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Jasmine: Alright I someone to fight Alex Fukumoto after I gave him his training I gave him a Gi like Gohan(Buu Saga)

Alex (Controlled rage form): It's a pleasure to meet you all but don't say anything mean or harm my version of Futaba or else *Power level shot up big time*

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I wonder if I should make Alex a Wolf boy as his new look oh right making him nosebleed hey Alex Fukumoto


*Shows him a picture of his girlfriend Futaba being cute and pure*

Alex(Metaverse outfit/No mask):Ack!!! *Collapses from a massive nosebleed*


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(Izukinii only for Aaron)

Aaron (Jasmine's father/Mastered Ultra Instinct):Hmph

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