Marie The Hedgecatさんのプロフィール画像

Marie The Hedgecatさんのイラストまとめ

A genetic creation of the dna between Shadow The Hedgehog and Blaze The Cat can use both Pyrokinesis and Chaos Energy

フォロー数:587 フォロワー数:333

Jasmine:Well I wasn't fighting fighting with Sapphire it's just she wore my Dad's armor behind my back you know she just made me snap

Sapphire:Mom he gave me the armor who am I to refuse grandpa

Jasmine:Hey Cress do you think it's time to give Sapphire "The Talk" she is older

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Jasmine:SAPPHIRE *Cress hears me tell out our daughter's name in anger*

Sapphire (16):What mom *Is wearing Grandpa Aaron's Saiyan armor*

Jasmine:Take your Grandpa's armor off NOW YOUNG LADY


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Alex:Hey wanna rp with me I'm kinda bored my writer is trying his best to be a bit more literate in RPS and since I am a Persona 5 OC I was thinking about a Persona 5 rp between us

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Aaron:Me *Is in Mastered Ultra Instinct*

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Jasmine:Hey Stephanie do you have any family members a brother or possibly an identical twin sister

Stephanie:A twin sister yes but I died when she gained powers so I literally made a deal with the devil I continue to live on as a succubus in the human world

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Aaron:Who doesn't you're beautiful

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Hey writer who is your oldest OC before me

Andrew:A Succubus named Stephanie

Is she pretty?

Andrew:Uhh *Shows a picture*

Oh no she's prettier than me CRESS

Stephanie:Well that was something odd


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I wonder what Alex clothes look like when he's in the Metaverse

Alex:I'll show you *Gets changed*

Hmm neat wait your hair is pulled up

Alex:Yeah so it doesn't get in the way

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Jasmine:Hey Alex who is your Persona I mean you got one right

Alex:Yes and don't laugh but it's known as Kaguya Hime and she's quite powerful but not hard to call upon the lady of the Moon as she's called I believe

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