Wolfiey the Witch Bunny 🔞 🇵🇸さんのプロフィール画像

Wolfiey the Witch Bunny 🔞 🇵🇸さんのイラストまとめ

Wolfiey ~~She/Her ~~ lesbian~~22~~ webcomic/Vtuber~~ BLM always✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿🇵🇸 🔞on my page CW 4 ART// Demons, Angels, occasional Body horror, and GORE

フォロー数:963 フォロワー数:363

Just a few all from my webcomic- I have no life without my little shits. Except the last one. I hate him

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this masterpiece was created by my cousin. Appreciate wolfieh. The fested Doge

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Yes I still draw. Took a smol break from working on my comic to do a contest entry. Wish me luck!

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You think hands are hard to draw? Try to draw a convincing building!! They are hard af

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Thumbnail to comic page comparison! I really wanted to do this for a while now but I finally got to!

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This isn’t webcomic related, but here’s another art piece I have done a bit ago. IT is fan art for and their amazing creation, SIREN HEAD. LOOK AT THIS CREEPY DUDE
Also follow them for their talent. Now.

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I hope if they ever get to somehow see my messages, is that they know that they were a inspiration to millions across the world.. and it makes me heartbroken that I was too scared to follow them... and I just hope they continue their talents.. wherever they are.

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This isn’t comic art... but a contribution to project in honoring . I’ve seen their talent everywhere, and it makes me heartbroken that they have passed. I know for a fact though... They are in a better place.

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