

Age: 27 🏳️‍⚧️ I draw anthros, creatures, mythological beasts, animals, and sometimes gore. (sfw beyond that)

フォロー数:301 フォロワー数:45

Finally getting to the monthly monster drawings to upload! this was number 2: February where my patrons voted on Aye-aye to be our second victim to be monsterified https://t.co/9m0GtoQHm4

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Finally getting to the monthly monster drawings to upload! this was number 1: January where my patrons voted on axolotl to be our first victim to be monsterified https://t.co/2pXJ49BJ5U

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here is the drawing I did for mother's day yesterday, but here is Mo'te, Ab'ik's mom along with a chubby kid Ab'ik, his baby sister Shiba, and then Mo'te's sensory hound Senzikkriam. https://t.co/2RXR8m4aar (warning: video is blurry for like the beginning chunk and the last bit)

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here is the 2nd drawing of our friend Piggle, the third drawing of the video wont be uploaded cause wont lie I don't care for it and don't see the point of uploading a drawing I don't like! so the video is the only place to see that one: https://t.co/zdWUFsZMuo

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sorry this is getting uploaded so late. it's been a long day. but here's part 2 of the artsnacks drawing that I did for youtube that I promised I'd upload today. https://t.co/D9atytMzZu

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I'm not going to tag anyone to do this, like if your bored and want to do this then I tag you |3 (I love seeing these though so let me see yours if you do it) also is picking Devon and Cornwall technically cheating? do they count as one or two characters?.. huh..

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Here's three of the four drawings I did for Easter videos gonna link the turtle one with this bunch sense it's my favorite of the group - https://t.co/eoKiR08vZ5

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I keep forgetting to post artwork on twitter after I post on Instagram so today I’m just going to spam my twitter a bit an periodically post the things I haven’t over the last few days |D I’m sorry.

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