

Now playing 《命に嫌われている》 ●━━━━━━───── 4:34 ⇆ ◁ ❚❚ ▷ ↻ Sun | He/him | 20+|🍒⭐|💎🐬|☀️🦅|🌟⚡|Feel free to repost no need to ask, just rmb source|

フォロー数:388 フォロワー数:1533

I'll done the next vid soon 🤟🤟🤟

17 64

AF_AU with little meaw meaw🥺👉👈

0 19

Can't draw background👉👈💦

21 93

Hey! That's right, you! You're doing great, cheer up! ! !💖💖💖

35 101

Still him but look more cute😳

5 23