

フォロー数:379 フォロワー数:2618

Why this chapter so brown?

Red/green color blindness: Red/Jin & Green/Matt are lost, turn brown/earthy to gain benefit

Extensive brown associates with empty/heavy: Matt may feel more lonely if he doesn't win Jin's true affection despite all efforts

Under The Green Light ch29 https://t.co/Zq2mGRn21H

16 79

There is No Perfect Beta (Novel) illustrated by Jaxx https://t.co/3qUW6KQlf7

11 63

Just when Matt was worried if he'd ever see Jin again, Jin showed up in the campus with fancy car.

Matt's face lit up: you came for me? for real?

Jin: I came for you.

Jin's suffering serious withdraw syndromes. Guess he finds Matt better than drug.

Under The Green Light Ch28 https://t.co/Rx8NWmDbCe

11 69

Matt misses Jin like crazy. He does 3 part-time jobs, takes exams, works on the sculpture. Exhausted but sleepless.

He wonders how to carve his existence into Jin's life.

Jin's back to biz, didn't try cover the hickies aka trace of Matt's existence.

Under The Green Light Ch24 https://t.co/VQ7TplXyl1

16 117



Just realized that in yaoi world, real gansta protagonists treat their partners like queens; while charming beasts act like dick.

Dangerous Convenience Store 위험한 편의점
Viper 독사 (only 5 episodes in total... need MORE😭)
Bound to Be Fools 풀 인더 풀
Shutline 셔트라인 https://t.co/DwA46fCStx

13 71

2 Alphas in Define the Relationship (디파인 더 릴레이션쉽). Ash is smooth as hell, can be sweet and aggressive at the same time. Carlyle looks emotionally handicapped but is actually overwhelmed by his own thoughts, maybe too self-conscious at times. cute~
https://t.co/ubrQJOU9Iq https://t.co/8nCcNADnUN

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