

I commission art and write other nsfw for original characters(either of my own or for others), Profilepic @andavaart Coverpic @hivethebastard

フォロー数:1437 フォロワー数:3011





Abs Day, thats a thing right? Anything to see less sailor moon posts

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An oc I didn’t expect to love? Liam was really supposed to be jock or chad but he's really grown on me.A goofball that gets into hijinks trying to get laid. He went from being a bit of a tool to sort of a doofus that just appears everywhere, sticking his dumb dick into everything

2 25

18. Dislike any of my oc? Nah, honestly they really grow on me the more time passes. I just hope nobody else dislikes them

3 18

Liam is definitely the tallest oc while Clementine is built low to the ground and fun to throw around

2 20

15. Most difficult oc. Hmm. That would probably be Jaz, she's my most SFW oc in a NSFW setting so it's hard to decide what to do with her. Does she like dick or does it make her uncomfortable, is she nervous in sexual situations or does she want to eat some girls snatch? Dilemmas

3 22

13. Are any of my oc parents? Well Liam has probably sired a few illegitimate spawn he's unaware of but the closest we have his Ashe, Clementine's Guardian and Aunt.

1 24



Blowjobs really are the best bro

1 26