

Beva en français !!
Je poste des vidéos de dessin sur youtube et bientôt une BD ✨

フォロー数:628 フォロワー数:601

I love character design and you love Dungeons a d Dragons? Let’s help each other out. (Or any TTRPG really !)

Can’t afford to hire or donate? Please retweet 🙏

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My D&D characters 4 years ago and my D&D characters in 2020 🥺

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Collection of from the past few months 👀

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If you see this tweet, quote retweet with 4 pictures that expose your taste in women

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J’avais oublié de le reposter donc le revoilà!


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I rarely post D&D stuff but I won’t be playing for a while and I need my weekly dose... Anyway, meet Admaris !

I love playing old characters for one shots because I can plan their whole background even if I don’t play them much.

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I was given Kill la Kill

Here my 3 favs

like for an anime/game

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