

| DEGEN | Meme Distributor | Blessing Bagholders w/ max pain

フォロー数:1031 フォロワー数:616

12. They need advisors. Id luv to welcome u to explore & see for urself. Talk to the team & community. The future is uncertain, but w/ proper guidance, community support & trust, can again

Who doesnt luv a comeback story?

0 16

9. + The generative details are based on core attributes like the skin color, face accessories, and companion details.
+ Programmed into the smart contracts, the Frames also have an utility feature, that allows the owner to recall the Frame back to the owner's wallet. 👉🧵

0 10

Got another piece 🔥🔥. Not a legendary but still pretty cool.

0 0

would love to see be apart of the Mint Pass project

Check out what they're doing 👇

0 1

Trying to get into the x mint pass eligibility. I think it would incredible for the community. Check out what we're building. you're missing out on some incredible opportunity w/ the VR👇👇

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