

WIND ARCHER COOKIE N°1 ENJOYER ‼️‼️‼️🍃🍃🍃🍃 And I'm the CEO OF SUGARLOTUS (Sugar swan x Lotus dragon)- Agender boyflux
turn into Jiyan

フォロー数:155 フォロワー数:338

For some reason they give me the same energy

3 42

Windfire fankid
She doesn't have a name yet (I don't like the old one very much )

3 10

I love all the women from cookie run but they are my favs https://t.co/SZVUgKitHY

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WA Headcanon eyes

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Gracioso de que todos mis ocs legendarios estén prácticamente muertos
Uno es un cuerpo en descomposición que si no le agradas te da una muerte dolorosa y lenta
La otra murió por un mountro y dejó a su esposo viudo
La otra era considerada una bruja y la quemaron viva

1 17

I also did it with my hc design
Now they match

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