It's Just Xella, y'all.さんのプロフィール画像

It's Just Xella, y'all.さんのイラストまとめ

Hi I'm Xella, I tend to hyperfixate on things. I can also smell your brains.
Art Account: @xellArt!

フォロー数:3 フォロワー数:3

trying to troubleshoot the companion app AGAIN (it hasn't gotten past login since before Shadowlands launch when I switched from the BfA table to the Legion one) and can we just talk about how USELESS even the pre-written help articles are for it?

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I grew up being threatened with the loss of body parts due to necrosis as a result of diabetes so appendages turning that close to black is very alarming (in addition to the pain); back down to a less alarming red but getting back to sleep seems unlikely at this point;__;

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It’s so hard to do that to em, though...

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exCUSE me one of these mobs gives Sporey a rainbow trail? I must have it as a glyph for pet dash IMMEDIATELY.

(druid dash can at least be supplemented by the prismatic bauble but *____*)

(this is the only Shadowlands spoiler I will post, unless there's more rainbows later)

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no, brain, when I said "I'll probably draw her" I didn't mean "right now, when I have to be awake in six hours" ;__;

Anyway I think this is about right body-wise and head-wise; Kezel is more of a football shape. Ears may need work and obv she needs clothes but LATER, Xella >:T

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Overall I absolutely got the mood I wanted to get across across via the gradient map, but some colour deliniations aren't nearly as clear once the, uh... colour is added/removed, heh.

Also I committed the cardinal artist sin of shading with pure black. Yes, it hurts me too, lmao

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still working on this (even though it's nap time... again) but idk. Unfinished wip originally submitted for wk3, what I have left of that file (PS crashed during a save), and the current version. Gotta push more yellow in I think, colour's the only bit of the og I like more atm.

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aw hell yeah, kezel got the hat of the second sister to drop so now she can wear her halloween costume even once hallow's end is over. let's celebrate by working on this picture some more! lol

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They’ve both been hanging out in my room a lot more since I’ve been having my window open during the night, I think they really like the smell of the outdoors lol

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in only slightly related news if we ever get skinny kul tirans as an option for playable characters, I'm definitely rolling Bertoh somewhere.

I miss him.

(and for those of you who have no idea wtf I'm on about:

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