

24 | UK | Non binary | Will Retweet NSFW | Looking for friends | Telegram in bio | telegram (@xenfluffs) | Paws over maws!

フォロー数:4992 フォロワー数:1128

Here's the ones I got myself ^^

2. and someone else I can't remember who lol
3. Don't know who this is (plz mention)

4 16

Jesus Christ, what a great role model for minors eh?

0 5

This... This makes me wanna deactivate

0 0

Same tweet from the same person

0 17

Bruh your literally talking about r***

This fandom is seriously messed up

0 0

After a really rough week of loosing my dog and I couldn't go to LFM a couple days ago I was really crap, then I met and we chatted, then he made me this, like omgosh I love it so much! He deserves a follow cause he's so good 😭😭😭

Thank you again!

2 12

21, turning 22 next week

QRT your fursona and your age!

1 25