

フォロー数:226 フォロワー数:412

All my sprites for Infinite fusion on the month of Febuary
The ones with an X didn't make it in as a main sprite

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Making fusions for this game is fun
Here are all my fusions for the past month that's already in the game, and this month which will hopefully be added next time. A Red X next to them means they didn't make it in. Magikarp and Lucario are alternate sprites https://t.co/YVsWOiS6bI

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My gifts for Astraltoons and JollyBag in the Hearts Project 2022 Secret Santa event

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Secret Santa Gift for Salada Elite(Sorry don't know your twitter name) for the Hyun's Dojo 2022 Secret Santa

A Doom 2016 inspired Snowball Fight featuring a bunch of users on Discord

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Joined a Pokemon Fusion contest and made 5 entries

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My character, Xeno, as a Pokemon Trainer for Hyun's Dojo's Art Challenge Monthly

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