

Age: Old enough|Gender: fuck off| pronouns: go fuck yourself | Status: NOT MAIDENLESS| Gundam | Berserk | Neon Genesis Evangelion | Hollow knight | Castlevania

フォロー数:1796 フォロワー数:648

If your brain can't comprehend that I have a dick and a family and I act more human than a demon Lord

Which by the way I'm a nephalim NOT a demon Lord

It's all the more reason why you know nothing about me and that you're judgemental

You're destined for bonks dumb dwemon

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My Twitter worth is: $711.90

Find yours with https://t.co/2pl7EBERzt

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Owo congrats on the anniversary

Hers my OCS Yuri and valkyr

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Me to the disgusting perv:

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