

Age: Old enough|Gender: fuck off| pronouns: go fuck yourself | Status: NOT MAIDENLESS| Gundam | Berserk | Neon Genesis Evangelion | Hollow knight | Castlevania

フォロー数:1796 フォロワー数:648


I wonder how you would tackle this horni bad boi

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The darkness calls

Peer into the abyss

Darkness shall consume all

Sneak peek of xerxez's final form

Coming straight from the one and only

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That would be me if my crush discovered my love for tentacles and lovecraft monsters

Someday I'll get a lovecraftian oc and I'll use this as ref

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I'd show u the other demon oc I have in the works but it's only in sketch phase

This is the only other demon like oc

Notice how she doesnt have a forehead or eyes for that matter

The smoke helps her as well as sound vibrations

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