

I'm a Soldier, Gamer and Artist huge Monster Hunter Fan i also do speedruns
Background made by : @Shimhaq

フォロー数:944 フォロワー数:595

You can say he would be.... breathtaking

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Perks of dating me
-What still here?
-Hand it over, that thing, your dark soul
- For my lady's painting! https://t.co/kZrQaQa8dV

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Who wants too see me slap Gael (from dark souls 3) with a wet tissue?
And by that i mean Broken sword? 👀

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Will we see a little Brachydios in there? 👀

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You'll get it if you know which one it is my BOI

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Just fought Tempered Rajang today
(You can only fight him when you reach lvl 7 in the new Volcanic Region in the Guiding lands)

The d00d okay how can i put this runs at you and put you too a 1/4 of health just by ramming you with his run like dah hell 😅 be careful of dah monkey

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That the all crew have an amazing day and a big thank you too bring passion and inspirations too everyone who needed it and it goes too you as well my d00d keep it up and keep doing your amazing work 🤗 and I'll take all the ticket you got for Burning Requiem if ya don't mind

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