

24 | she/her 🏳️‍⚧️ | Pan | 💜💜 @BrendanScobal 💜💜 | I play FGs and RPGs | Fav Anime: Gintama, Mob Psycho 100, FMA:B | Network Engineer | Icon: @Kujikawaii

フォロー数:917 フォロワー数:139

Comms I got for and I, art done by ty so much for taking my commission

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I only got back into YGO earlier this year, but my favorite thing about it has to be the range of styles for archetypes and how they differ visually

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“I’m literally neurodivergent an a minior”

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The fact Zelda has legit such cool ass character designs but will always be plagued by triforce shirt and cargo shorts kill me inside

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My 4 favorite pieces of media I experienced this year (OP being my favorite), I read a lot of manga this year lmao

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You’ve drawn her already, but :>

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Cute fluffy guys are peak character design and I will not dispute this

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