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Also: Bonus Daisy wielding the mighty Crucible Carrot. 🐰🥕
@vespite This is amazing news! So happy for you and the little guy. 😻
@kurokkiii YESSS! Congrats, Kuro! 😁
@IAmJitsu @bethesda Congrats on two years! :)
My submission for this month's @DOOM Slayers Club fan art theme: The Ancient Gods. The Maykr Slayer skin that released with TAG is definitely one of my favorites, so I had to draw it.
@TheOtherTravGuy Happy birthday!
@Tenacious_Diaz So ready.
@kittydarko Happy birthday!
#sameartist I always try to find a balance of doing both cute and cool things. 😅
@FleeLive Happy birthday! :)