

フォロー数:927 フォロワー数:180

Commision done for @.sqkuraiteh !! Thankyou for commissioning me!!! Even though it took too long I’m super sorry!!

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Thankyou​ for​ hosting this!! Im​ Roxanne! And​ i​ like​ to​ draw​ anime​ im​ a​ self​ taught​ artist! Both​ digital​ and​ traditional​✨✨❤️❤️

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wait​ THATS​ AMAZINGGGGGG​ my​ eyes​ are​ blessed​👍👍✨✨👀

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Birthday​ gift​ for​ @. msfufusan TwT​ im​ late​ againnnnnn- uwahhhh

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Hello! Im​ roxanne​ and​ i​ do​ both​ digital​ and​ traditional​ art​ im​ a​ self​ taught​ artist! And​ looking​ for​ art​ friends!! 💞❤️💞❤️

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Commision​ done​ for​ @. frostycagee Thankyou​ for​ ordering! <33

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Hiii​ im​ roxanne​ and​ im​ a​ self​ taught​ artist​ i​ do​ traditional​ and​ digital​ mostly​ digital​ (^o^)

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Adoptable OC
SB : 25K diamonds / 100 robux
IA : None

Looking for halos too

You can offer for RH items and adopt me pets

Whoever wins the bid this oc will be yours I’ll remove the water mark if you win the bid❤️👌

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Henlo​ im​ roxanne~~ i​ like​ to​ draw​ anime​s​ trying​ to​ improve​ and​ looking​ for​ people​ whos​ gonna​ walk​ through​ this​ journey​ with​ me! Fellow artist​ sorry​ for​ tagging​ i​ thought​ you'd​ might​ be​ intrusted​

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